⭐️ Top-rated 2d, 3d animator, and Video Editor.
⭐️ Consistent 5-star ratings,
⭐️ More than seven years of experience
⭐️ Clients include Microsoft, Intel, Avast, HP, Harman, and Samsung.
⭐️ vimeo.com/2dvideomaker
Our service take on the tasks that computers do best, so our customers can do the creative things humans do best.
Completed Projects
Active Customers
Award Wining
Satisfaction Rate
I used 2d Video Maker for a high-profile pressured event and he delivered flawlessly. Great work under pressure and can think for themself on what to do best
Hexfit Ronald
Anil and his team are the best! They are very easy to work with and will help you create a professional video that will do wonders for your business. His team was on time, detailed, and we had great communication with them. If you are looking for a talented video animation creator, look no further.
Andres Vidoza
2d Video Maker was excellent with the project. Very professional and helpful. Revisions were no problem, and I had a few rounds of them.. I would highly recommend them if you need an animated project. Thank you for all the help and hard work
Mark Haley
Adrian Daugsch
2D Video Maker has a remarkable sense and skills to turn some of the most complex ideas into a simple and easy to understand visualizations. They delivered magnificent work on this Explainer Video project and I enjoyed working with them. I am very satisfied with their work and will like to have additional jobs for them in the future.
Emily Lim
Sam Ressler
Chief Executive Officer
Sr. Creative Designer
Sr. Animater